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When a sissy lets her guard down
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Your wife is tired of you traveling
✨ This is what you are ✨
This is what i get for being on the internet… now i’m their human toilet >;cc
And you need to watch
Your wife gift on valentines
Sissy girls can get pregnant. You just have to try harder
It can't get straighter than that!
She makes you call him and ask him to come fuck her whenever she’s horny
She loves a good workout
Her EX used to breed ur GF
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I learned that height does matter
Sissy Caption Stories
Sissy Captions
Sissygirls just wanna have fun
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Don't worry you're still straight
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Still Straight Captions
Don’t forget to say thank you
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Friendly helper
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It's not gay to help your best friend get laid
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Still Straight Captions
My New Gym Program
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Gained valuable experience... how to take a rough pounding
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Dick me deeeep 🤤
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Sissy girlfriend
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Technically the truth
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You prefer a sissy waiting her daddy naked or in lingerie?
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Fact: it's not gay if...
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My fav piece of clothing
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Brain off, only cock
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Devote yourself to his pleasure, SISSY
Sissy Caption Stories
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Sissy Captions
No turning back now sissy! Say goodbye to your virginity ❤️
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It’s time for the real thing❤️
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There’s no way back… So Embrace it!
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You're just a hole
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