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Turn yourself into a SISSY
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Always show off your body like a good girl would ~
You never gave her an orgasm in your life..
Best friend pt1
A degree you won't use will only give you debt jump the debt and become a whore for the patriarchy.
It's really thoughtful of your girl to pitch in when she can!
Accept your purpose
Serve the patriarchy
The best moms take care of their boys forever
How dare you tempt them with your fuckdoll body?
It's not cheating if you lied about your size. And then she finds out what average really is.
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Sissy girls can get pregnant. You just have to try harder
Sissy Captions
Your favorite scenario isn’t it sissy?
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Stroke to the pixels
Sissy Captions
Sissies know: MEN > us 💞💋
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Birthday Boy
Sissy Caption Stories
Sissy Captions
You love giving head!💕
Sissy Captions
A couple every man desires
Sissy Captions
Sissies want daddy’s cock deep in the throat 🤤💕
Sissy Captions
Be A Little Tease, Let That Cage Peek Out Of Your Panties 😜
Sissy Captions
I'm not a Girl, Am I?
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Riley Rain cock is all this sissy cares about
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Lost Keys (Part 2)
Sissy Caption Stories
Sissy Captions
I love daddy’s cum
Sissy Captions
By the time you’re here… it’s too late.
Sissy Captions
Didn’t know it, but luckily it’s the BEST path to choose 🥰🍆
Sissy Captions
That explains why I love doggystyle so much
Sissy Captions
Can you help me with a joke?
Sissy Captions
Got 89, "sissy slut". what's your score and sissy title?
Sissy Captions
When daddy invites friends, multitasking is required ❤️
Sissy Captions
What would you do in such a situation?
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Still Straight Captions
He'll be both your daddy's
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