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Happy Valentines cunts! I hope you’re getting all the love you deserve
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The Sissy ABCs: U
Accept you role
My new roommate is quite needy.
Lost control on your gift... Too Bad 🐢
Hot mom doing best
She Doesn't Get Rights. Just Cock.
Breaking in the new girl…
Her new job has her coming home overworked, exhausted, and sticky from all the spilled products.
Miss vikki lynn - censor - [imagefap - chrissytheswitch]
Mommy didn't raise a quitter
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Use & Abuse them
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Fill yourself with cum not thoughts
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Rape is only womans fault
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A normal Sunday afternoon!
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Abuse it the only form of attention you deserve
Female Inferiority Captions
Fuck your movement
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Encourage your girlfriends to have some fun :)
Female Inferiority Captions
I wish my school did this to bad girls like me
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Feminists cums to such things admit it
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Empty brain
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Have you?
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You're nothing but a mindless pet to be used and controlled. Reply by barking like the slut you are
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These pathetic cunts will degrade themselves for MEN and expect us to respect them? These filthy, disgusting, cum buckets are inferior than pigs! They're nothing but a 3-hole cock socket meant to be used, abused and discarded! To all the filthy inferior cunts, which one of these dirty pigs you'd be?
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Too all whores out there... embrace who you really are
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Best thing you'll ever experience
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Work with the patriarchy
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I'm a dumb whore
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Could you repeat it loud for me ?
Female Inferiority Captions
All I want to here is you gagging and choking
Female Inferiority Captions
Shut the cunts mouth up with cock
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Magic tricks for fucktoys number 1: making dick disappear
Female Inferiority Captions
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