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Empty your thoughts and repeat this
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Call me this way 🥵
Where she belongs
My one true love!!!
Sissification is a Slippery Slope
Women learn your place
She Said she needs to suck dick on first date
They're her type
True ❤️ Love
Too big
You told her to message you on her night out, but this isn't what you meant
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Help him hurt women
Female Inferiority Captions
One of you sluts will take this load even if you want to or not
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Gen z cunts are easier to break so use them
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Some lessons are hard to learn. some aren't.
Female Inferiority Captions
You need to embrace your role as a jerk fuel
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It's all you've ever wanted isn't it?
Female Inferiority Captions
Fulfil your purpose: Serve your Masters, Owners, Kings & Daddies.
Female Inferiority Captions
I had to train so many first years just like this when I was in college. It is a shame dads don't teach their daughters the way of the world, leaving us with the responsibility of training these cunts throughout the year.
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Do u?
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Best friend betrayal
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Just sex toys
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Keep that back arched dumb cunt or you get whipped
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10 reasons sluts should breed no matter what it takes
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“I’m friends with guys because it’s easier” just say you wanna be gang raped so badly
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Woof woof
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Many women are too dumb or too infected by feminism too understand that it's just a rhetorical question...
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Just keep sucking your brains away toy
Female Inferiority Captions
I neeeeed cock rubbed on my face so bad
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Hungry little cock pigs
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Female Inferiority Captions
Moms should help their daughters
Female Inferiority Captions
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