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Chatgpt: women are cum buckets and cock sockets.
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She's having the time of her Life!
Always try to encourage
Happy sissy
That‘s your fault.
I'll bet he didn't even notice the phone
I’ll do anything for a good score
Wine changed their lives.
Remember bro, shes not the first girl you've had who has spread her legs for me and won't be the last
Are you a good friend ?
Dogs need to be in the doggy position where they belong. And for you dumb sluts out there when I say "dogs" I'm talking to all you females.
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How many of you working women dream of being demoted to a sexual object?
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I Write Horny Poems to Porn
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Fundamentals for a Slave Candidate (Full Course) - Topic 1: Turning mouth into a new pussy - Lesson 1 (reaching her mouth endurance limit). Time estimated: 14 days. 6 hrs/day. In the free time the slave candidate must be caged and deprived of her senses.
Female Inferiority Captions
After years of searching... i have figured out the best hypno video to brainwash girls into sluts. and i am not afraid of using it on my hottest friends. only way to make women useful is to install obedience in them. agreed?
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Good girls groom their friends for their dad like Angel does for me. -Hyde
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Your dream job?
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It's never enough for you, is it. Do you need more cock?
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It’s milking time!
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The only correct way to breed sluts.
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Proof that you are functionally designed to be a man's fucktoy (in 7 pictures)
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Remember to thank them
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Somewhere inside you know you've deserved it
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This is how I want to lose my virginity...being drugged and having this recorded for my blackmail, him stuffing cash in my cunt to take to my owner
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How to treat a gen-z slut
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Any cock can turn you into a brainless cum slut.
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Comment if you are a good pet who knows it's place.
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Nothing more than objects of amusement
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Whores should show themselves in position for our viewing pleasure
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Mouths are made for fucking
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You were given big tits for a reason
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Every woman craves this feeling. Absolute submissiveness wondering what will be done to them next. The best woman, do not care because they know they are worthless and expendable, just excited for the opportunity to finally be of some value.
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