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Shes never looked so satisfied
That little shit has no idea how lucky he is to even talk to my sweet little princess. Fuck their relationship! My daughter needs Daddy's thick cock inside her tight pussy, not some pathetic limp-dicked boy!
Guess I never came back from mine 😋
First date expectations
She has a thing for jocks
She is the family slut
She said her husband gave her permission
It needs to be erased daily!
Losing your brain for mommy never feltt this good 💖 Every PUMP & Every EDGE make you sink DEEPER & DEEPER 😵💫
Shouldn’t have fallen asleep after inviting your coworker over…
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Sure, you look very masculine...
Sissy Captions
My skills can match any woman’s
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Feeling girly
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Siss👱♀️terly Advice
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I've been edging so much, I might have a wet dream
Sissy Captions
If you really think about it, you're just doing him a favour, it was his 'idea' anyway
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Still Straight Captions
Sissy faces consequences
Sissy Caption Stories
Sissy Captions
Still Straight Captions
Nothing gay when we're in high😇
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Cock Worship 101
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Sissy Captions
Still Straight Captions
Getting attention even if it's just about sex
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I just wanna be happy
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Pump my butt with jizz pls 🤤
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Preparing my buddy for his date
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Sissy Caption Stories
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Still Straight Captions
Nothing hotter than being the playtoy of an older guy
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Your Friend Was Right
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Vacation Gone Wrong! Part 3
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Make my dreams reality
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You know
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That team had your colours anyways😜😜
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He used to beat your ass, now look at you..
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Who Doesn't Want This Is 🥵🥵
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