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A cunt’s worth is determined by her tit size. Put your tit size in the comments to be objectified and rated🤭
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All she needs is a BBC
Having babies for your master is all you will ever be good for
U wanted this slut
Late Nights
Nanny job with extra tasks
Your BBC friend knows how to work your wife’s thick ass
Are you happy she got fucked good before being with you?
“Fuck it” 😵💫🫦
A loving mom will always fulfill her son’s dreams
Cumming for your best friends wife
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Accept that you're addicted and helpless.
Female Inferiority Captions
The Only Worth Sluts Have
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We have to gag you cause it’s not rape if you keep screaming yes
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You need to earn my respect
Female Inferiority Captions
And giving directions are kept at a minimum
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All feminists are sluts at heart…
Female Inferiority Captions
Siblings who take together stay together
Female Inferiority Captions
Why fight what you are
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Thank you sir
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My opinions always sound best when I’ve got a mouthful of dick. 😊
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It’s easy to be a slut. Just do as you’re told.
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It just feels natural and right
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The advertising posters that there should be if society was normal, treating women as they should be treated.
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You are just a pair of udders and 3 holes
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You're such a easy worthless slut, that no wonder you're abused. Just accept it
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Betray your gender
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Lust Resort (Part One)
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I told him I didn’t want it, he did it anyway
Female Inferiority Captions
No one cares what men do to you, your still expected to serve
Female Inferiority Captions
The temptation of her being naked at night while checking her DMs made her realise she will always be a whore.
Female Inferiority Captions
Be a better woman. In only 4 steps for you to actually understand with your small brain.
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