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He’s a great owner
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And would it matter if it did?
Going swimming with Mom is the best!
It's the neighborly thing to do, after all
It’s just a little bit of cum
He's built for greater things and you know it
Your girl loves her new job
Your girls Ex and his best mate gave your girlfriend a ride home. She didn't have gas money so she improvised
Oops. It was just a momentary slip up. Isnt it the same rule as counting to 3 when food hits the floor?
Keep telling yourself it's not gay
Now she knows
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Your european roommate's strange tradition
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Sissy Caption Stories
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Still Straight Captions
She’s Such An Ally ❤️
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Society has sorted you
Sissy Captions
Keep talking like this, I won't be able to control myself
Sissy Captions
Become a sissy faggot like me in 2025 💗
Sissy Captions
You prefer life this way
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Corrupted by Gf's Ex
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Maybe tomorrow
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It's inevitable
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Bet with your bully
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Usually how it starts
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That's If You're Willing To Accept It 🤤
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Could you resist?
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Now I'm gonna lick it, just don't weird out and make it gay.
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Men Love To Fuck A Dressed Up Little Slut 😈😈
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Open the door already
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It's not gay to do cosplay
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Unique Relationship
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Is it calling to you?
Sissy Captions
It's not gay when its cute
Sissy Caption Stories
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Still Straight Captions
COCK is Your Only Purpose
Sissy Captions
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