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I'm ready to become what I always dreamed
Parenting cunts: when moms fail, dads need to step in
Daddy lessons: surprise your daughter with night time training. She should learn to always be ready to be used by Daddy
Is it every husbands worse nightmare or every husbands ultimate fantasy
It just happened..
The Sissy ABCs: F
You always wondered where your girl was disappearing to and why all the guys talked so highly of her
GF's Mom is a Goddess
Feminists are no match for a good dick
Where's my little gender traitor at?
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Daddy's cum gave birth to you. So as soon as you turn 18 Daddy's gonna make you his own slave. No wont work cause Daddy is going to give u traumas for life
Female Inferiority Captions
"Lol what makes you think I care about getting male attantion?"
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For women, social status means less than the size of her boobs
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Celebrate it with a man that treates you like shit
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Maybe rape is the only way I learn?
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Just give in and open your mouth
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My body his choice
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If you don't beg desperately for it...
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The more you throatfuck a cunt, the more braincells she loses
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Who meets the minimum tits size to be considered as alpa girl and get males attention?
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Your cunts are not in your control. You are just carrying it to keep them warm and moist for us when we want to use them
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I do!!!!! (i dont even need to give consent)
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Offer your body to men. You're just a rapetoy for their pleasure. Let it happen and shut up about it. Every slut accepts her place eventually, so when you're there, thank men by showing off your fuckdoll body 😘
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All good girls deserve this...
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Wear your worth in public
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Since you all aren’t here to use my holes I will fuck myself
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That mouth is only useful for one thing
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PSA for all black-owned, white fuck cows 🐮
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Udders should often be groped
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Is it that hard to stfu and do as you’re told?
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If you don' will be punished
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