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Cunts, be porn for every man in the comments. If you want to be porn for them, comment "Yes Please"
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It's not gay if it's blackmail!
I know I shouldn't have done it, but I couldn't resist him
A great wife
I’ve been waiting all day, Daddy wants to eat.
Hot sister doing best
When I fuck you, I will tell you this, and you will know it is true. I have no idea what the other guys will say, though.
Of course it does - because you are less than. Now lets get you deeper into it.
Helping myself have his first child
Wife Findes an alpha for valentine
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I don’t make the rules, nature did.
Female Inferiority Captions
Your holes give you purpose
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Because you know their true…
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I love being a woman in the modern day. There are so many career options for me to choose from
Female Inferiority Captions
Whores love that "potentially offensive" message warning 😈
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Where are all the milf/moms/older ladies, i know all of you want to be used like this too so dont be shy show yourselves
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Women rights
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We will just paint your face with cum and spit...Then put you out with the trash.
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Just an ass wipe
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Stop trying to live like something you're not. Submit to a man.
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Happy cumbucket's day. Dont forget where you belong.
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Skinny anal sluts are always ready for an ass rape
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Being a gender traitor makes you happy doesn’t it ?
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Groping tits is a natural urge for Men. It should be legalized.
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Right whores?
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Break it, before it's fully trained.
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Be like /u/inferiorwhoree. Take the leap. Become porn.
Female Inferiority Captions
Doesn't it seem so fun to serve the patriarchy, Join today!
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Worthless object in kitchen!!
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A walk in the park gets you being used
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I wish i had a Horny Girl 😈
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