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She got caught
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Amateur MILFs Over 40
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Damn. 😮 [FullVid in c0mm3nts]
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His instincts took over
Female Inferiority Captions
Excited AND nervous! If the father is who you think, everyone will know when baby is born.
Cuckold Captions
Your GF is now addicted to her roomate
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Back too soon or not early enough?
Cheating Captions
Your big brother likes your girlfriend (Captionsforever on imagefap)
Cuckold Captions
Oh shit, Mommy, I think the condom broke!
Breeding Captions
You aren’t going to be getting this imagine out of your head anytime soon
Cheating Captions
Gullible girlfriend and your friends. (Part 2 of ?)
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You walk in to find you best friend balls deep in your girl…do you wait for him to finish or join him?
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Staying late at the office (part 1)
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Cheating Snaps
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They only deserve Cocks and Cum.
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Every night with her ex…
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The Sissy ABCs: O
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Maybe we'll let you do the cleaning!
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Watch up close, cucky
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Become a gender traitor, serve the patriarchy
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I can’t believe they’re not my husbands!
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After-party after care Pt1.
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A nice reminder
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Is low hanging balls the name of a yoga position bro?
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She made him cum inside
We all know it’s true 😔😏
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Male approval: the best feeling in the world
Female Inferiority Captions
Love being able to actually feel a cock in my throat with him, unlike when I suck my boyfriend 🤭🥰
Cheating Captions
Many men get to fuck Her, but they come & go. What we have is so much deeper than any cock can go & will last forever. They should be jealous.
Cuckold Captions
Your wife told you that her ex is back in town for the weekend and told you not to worry~
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I’m totally not a cocksucking slut
Still Straight Captions
I'm just being honest. (MrsPoison on ImageFap)
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Daughter lessons: good things happen when you tell your Dad how you really feel…
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